Hello folks, 
Under 7.2, the only wall that stop my laptop to definitively migrate to linux 
was my PCMCIA Fast Ethernet Ovislink card; It was impossible for me to 
install it.
Now under 8.0 in the installation the card seems to be recognized, but after 
that it gives me an error about module can't be charged and a grave sound 
that means "not recognized card".
Yesterday I was very happy because I reached to conect my laptop, runin 
windows :-(, to my main linux box using IP masquering and in that way I can 
use my cable modem conexion for both.

I think the installation of this PCMCIA card couldn't be so difficult, but I 
have not idea about what to do; It is not a rare card (Ovislink) could 
anybody help me, Please.

Thanks a lot for your help, 

Francisco Alcaraz
Murcia (Spain)

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