Since going with qt 2.3.0 and antialiasing, I have had to quit using both 
kedit and kwrite.  I have also lost the ability to view text files in 
konqueror.  With the editors, if I type the text is invisable and starts out 
too high in the window so that it is actually partially underneath the menu 
bar.  Hitting return puts the cursor on a new line barely a millimeter or two 
below the previous.

Trying to view any text file via the konqueror file browser produces 
gibberish dots in place of text.  I now can only use gedit or emacs/xemacs 
for editing since the native kde 2.1 editors are no longer functional. 

I had hoped that the latest updates to kde would do something about this but 
upgrading hasn't fixed anything.  

I have downloaded the truetype fonts and the XftConfig file, and I have even 
added an .xftconfig file to my HOME$ with an added entry that I had hoped 
would fix the font display problem in kde editors and konqueror - by setting 
it up so that any Adobe font isn't antialiased.  Didn't work.

Is there ANY fix for kde and antialiasing that makes kde editors actually 

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