I think I found a solution to the problem I posted earlier.
If an extra attachment is included with a PGP/MIME signed mail, outlook
has no more trouble with it.

Now I only need to set up evolution to include either an empty text-file
or a vcard with every mail...

On Thu, 2003-10-02 at 01:01, Phil G. wrote:
> On Wed, 01 Oct 2003 15:45:10 -0700, Jack Coates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
> > This one is very old and has spawned a few flamefests. The workaround is
> > to use inline message signing instead of MIME... only, Evolution doesn't
> > support and doesn't intend to support inline signing. Yet another reason
> > why PGP/GPG is essentially stillborn in terms of widespread usage.
> >
> Is this the same with Opera 7?  Half the e-mail I get from linux users, in 
> order to read it, I have to click forward.  I deal with it because I 
> otherwise like Opera M2 but it's a PIA.
> Phil

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