There is quite a bit of expertise in this group and I would like to call
upon it to help with this particular problem.

Hey I like pOrn like the next guy but we are talking about kids (3-9).
When you have spread eagle shots it is sexual exploitation, period.

This is on the ngs and it was even off topic. Someone complained to
original poster ISP so no doubt they were TOS. So what?

I have sent out the complaints to some of pornography watchdog groups
but I am wonder what does it take to get the job done? 

Yea, I know like pulling weeds, yank one and two more appear but I would
like to know how to pull the weeds properly in the first place.

Yea, I know international law and jurisdiction, not to mention

Yea, I know you cannot police the electronic wild west.

What I want to know is how to get the complaints to the right person.
There is the official way, the political way, but usually you go ask a
sysop for the right way. :)

The site in question is, which is a portal site. Who the
hell administers the ws domain anyway? A few of the whois lookup sites
came up blank. I came across it three weeks after the original post and
it is still there.

Right now I am interested in the second site, still active We are talking kids.

Versign gives a registrar in Andorra? Who knew there was a small country
between France and Spain. That is not much help.

One question I have is how do you track down the service provider of a
site. That is, the actually place the files are being stored? This way I
can try to contact the authorities in question.

I know about the spammer's blacklist, so I was wondering is there an
unofficial blacklist for things like child pornography?

Any help would be appreciated.


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