Dear Oracle of Linux,

How Does one get rid of dead processes, like

root      8940  0.0  0.8  1552  344 ?        D    Oct26   0:00 smbumount
root      9001  0.0  2.2  1872  860 ?        D    Oct26   0:00 smbmount
//Mos Eisley/warlog /home/pax/war2

I tried kill -9, nothing... I did a kill -l to see what signal process
option I might have to use to get rid of them, and can't figure it out, man
kill gives me no idea.. and they have been dead for more than a day now. It
means I can't mount a log file directory on my box, which is needed for a
script I have running.

Also... I have edited the slocate script in cron.daily to exclude my
directories mounted on my win98 machine, but it still doesn't leave them
out. *I have been getting errors mailed to root about them for ages, so
after fidgetting round added those directories to the exclusion list*. But
as i say, its still not leaving them out, how do I get cron.daily to read
in the new slocate file??


Geoff Croxson
Page me           
Senior Micro-Computing Support Officer     Ph: 9514 1218
Humanities and Social Sciences             Fax:9514 1041
University of Technology, Sydney           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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