Currently I am using a Zip100 PP drive to mirror my home directory, mainly to
backup my desktop manager config and menu files(enlightenment-KDE hybrid
environment), among other things. I use the following script:

        # Mirror the /home/Logos dir to Zip100 drive
        /bin/mount /dev/zip /mirror/Logos #mount 
        /usr/bin/mirrordir /home/Logos /mirror/Logos #mirror
        /bin/umount /mirror/Logos #unmount (for protective purposes)

It runs at 2200 daily with the following crontab entry:

        0 22 * * * /usr/local/bin/

And it works....except: 

In my /home/Logos dir I have a subdir called /home/Logos/TransFers and a
further subdir called /home/Logos/TransFers/IMAGES. But the initial TransFers
dir also contains RPM's and Tarballs I've downloaded on the same dir level as
the IMAGES dir. The IMAGES subdir mirrors perfectly, but the all the RPM's and
Tarballs do not mirror. The ZipDisk is formatted with ext2, not that that should
matter. Everything else is as it should be. It is a good image, on the surface,
of my home dir. It is quite plausible that the total  size of files
exceeds the disk's capacity in that dir, but I haven't checked them all yet. 
My questions are: Does mirrordir except files which exceed the filesystem
capacity in their total sizes combined at the same level? And what could I add
to perhaps mail me a message, after running some sort of directory compare
command to the above script, to let me know that some files may not
have been copied? Or is there a better way than my logic here? I recieve no
error output from it when I look at the logs...I have invoked it through the
crontab configurator in webmin with a "no output generated" message...
Logos: The Word of the Aeon
"I shall endure for all time"
          -Frater Perdurabo-

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