Dear friends:

I have started using Mozilla 0.8 as my default browser (and am looking 
forward to 0.8.1). I am especially pleased with the control over the size of 
the fonts.

However, I have two questions:

1) The much vaunted Search function of Mozilla seems to have turned to ashes: 
Clicking on Search does NOT bring up the Google search engine, as it clearly
should according to my Preferences, Navigator, Internet Search, selection 
(just checked again to be sure: it says: Google). Instead, I am presented 
with's portal. Same things happens in Netscape 4.76. But in the 
old 4.76 if you click on Edit, Find on the Internet often enough, you WILL 
get the Google box. But in Mozilla 0.8, you won't see it at all. So, who 
needs the toolbar, then. Instead, I recommend doing what I have done: uncheck 
the toolbar altogether (including My Sidebar), everything except the menu, go 
to, then make a bookmark, in Edit Bookmarks, if 
necessary, move your Google bookmark way up to the top of the bookmark list,  
and now, if you want to REALLY search the Internet, just open your Bookmarks 
(thank God it is listed as a menu itself, and click on Google and there you 
are in an instant. Of course, you could select any search engine you wish.

What a great waste of resources. A great Search feature with My Sidebar 
really being useful for this purpose,-- and all ruined by a mercenary, 
self-destructive shoot-oneself-in-the-foot corporate reptile, i.e. 
AOL/Netscape. If I am wrong, if I have missed something, my apologies to 
Mozilla and AOL/Netscape. Please correct me if I am wrong. But if I am right, 
then it's all very sad. 

2) No less sad is the buggy Preferences box (Edit, Preferences). Ever since 
Mozilla .7, I have found it impossible to replace the default adobe fonts 
(which are, admittedly very good) with my Windows True Type fonts (I have a 
dual-boot system). I had NO problem with this in Netscape, and I have been 
able, albeit with some effort, to configure the Preferences in Mozilla .8 
(you have to do it one option at a time), i.e. everything EXCEPT the fonts. 
Every single time that I have tried to do this, Mozilla crashes. And I have 
tried every version of Mozilla available, rpm, tarball, Full Install, etc. 
etc., every build available on the Mozilla download page. Has anyone else had 
this problem? If so, how can this be solved? Is there a workaround, perhaps a 
manual workaround. If so, please share this secret with me, and, please be 
easy on me, I am just an ordinary user and need precise instructions. Yet, 
the preferences file in ~/.mozilla clearly says: "Do not edit this generated 
file!" So what is a Mozilla user to do?

Thank you very kindly.

Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

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