Totally off topic.  But has anyone played with the Netpliance
units yet?   It runs QNX on 32 MB
ram, 16 MB flash, V90 modem, keyboard, 10" color 800x600
LCD display and a $99 price tag.  I ordered one today to see
what makes it tick.  

QNX is not Unix or Linux, but it is structured like it.  It
runs on 8088/8086 type chips, like DOS.  But the file system
is very familiar to us Linuxers.  I fully intend to dissect
mine and see how that thing is put together, in particular
how the Flash chip is programmed and how does the thing
boot up etc.  

We ought to send one of these boxes to that Johnson kid
or whoever he was that broke the DVD Coding.  This Netpliance
is worth hacking into.  Imagine loading a slimmed down
Mandrake into it.  Hehehe....

I suspect that the Netpliance is one of those things like
Juno or FreeServ that gives you cheap computing and access
but plagues you with Commercials and Ads.  This is a 
challenge for all of us to see if we can reprogram the
damn thing -- or build a phone line IP filter for it or

Ramon Gandia ============= Sysadmin ============== Nook Net                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
285 West First Avenue                     tel. 907-443-7575
P.O. Box 970                              fax. 907-443-2487
Nome, Alaska 99762-0970 ==== Alaska Toll Free. 888-443-7525

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