I got the stupid thing to work just the way I want it.

I gotta say, I like it much more then Sendmail. I don't know about
handling millions of e-mails, maybe I'll get there and then share my
opinion, but it's definetely much easier and faster to maintain and
optimize. For instance, rbl lists can be added directly in main.cf file 
and simple
config reload enables them.  No more m4 this, m4 that.
Back to AUTH features.
You don't need to recompile shit, no matter what many people try to tell
you.  Don't listen.  I got every single feature to work with rpms from
the MDK 8.2 Pro CDs ( I'm sure it's the same on regular 8.2 ).

One of the howtos I used was from mandrakesecure.net or something like
that.  It got me to the point where I had PLAIN and LOGIN AUTH which is
fine in most cases.  However, default install doesn't give you 'pwcheck',
which is the easiest to use for plain text logins.  You need cyrus-sasl
installed for that.  Another thing they forget to mention is that
DIGEST-MD5 and CRAM-MD5 will only work if you use sasl database instead
of pwcheck or any other method.  So, if you want DIGEST or CRAM YOU HAVE
TO USE SASL database and don't forget to run SASLD deamon ( it appears in
mandrake services menu, after you install cyrus-sasl ).

I'm thinking of putting up a small howto for this, if anyone wants to
help and add more stuff for spam filtering and whatever else, e-mail me.

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