Hello All, I noticed that the Gnome2, because of gconf doesn't function right when the HOME of the user is mounted way NFS without the lock file (nfslock service disable). I saw in the site of gnome (http://www.gnome.org/projects/gconf/) an option to skirt this problem would be across the environment variable (GCONF_LOCAL_LOCKS=1), but I didn't give success.
Someone obtained to make this ? I know that the best way would be to activate the "nfslock" or "rpc.lockd" in the side of the server whoe is exporting the HOME via NFS, but this is not possible. Well, case somebody know as to activate the lock in a OpenBSD I'm thankful. Thank you, Emerson BRAZIL Ps: They forgive me for my English, is half bad :) _______________________________________________________________________ Yahoo! GeoCities Tudo para criar o seu site: ferramentas fáceis de usar, espaço de sobra e acessórios. http://br.geocities.yahoo.com/
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