This is true.  And it should be made better.

But . . . it's really not possible to never have problems.  There's too
darn much varient hadware out there, and exhaustive testing is

[FWIW, I've had the Win95 ok / Win98 won't install on THREE of the
FOUR computers I've tried it on that weren't originally shipped with
win98--a 75% failure rate.  This is an incredibly terrible record. 
Linux is way better than that.  I've had 0% failure rate on a machine
that worked with a prior version of the same distribution for Linux.  I
admit that this experience is probably an extreme, but I suggest that
yours is, too, albiet in the opposite direction.]

| It's unfair, but for Linux to get it's fair share of the marketplace, it must be
| better than M$. Until it is, the old saying "better the devil you know..." will
| keep King Bill firmly on his throne.
"Brian, the man from babbleon-on"               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Brian T. Schellenberger               
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