Dear friends:

Having spent a few hours experimenting, here is the latest report on the
Reboot/Shutdown problem. My thanks to everyone who has kindly shared his
expertise with me on this nuisance (I hope it's just a nuisance).

I have an AMD K6-2 400 mghrtz computer with 128 megs of RAM. It is a
dual-boot LM 8.0/Win98. The two operating systems are accessed via Lilo.
Throughout all this reboot/shutdown headache, I have had NO problems
whatsoever -- knock wood! -- with lilo. 

My AMD dual-boot is connected by means of Internet Sharing to Toshiba
Win98SE computer. By the way, my hat is off to Mandrake for making
automatic Internet Sharing configuration possible in LM 8.0 (Mandrake
Control Center). That feature alone makes it worth everything.

[Question: Is it necessary for Internet Sharing to enable NFS and NFS
lock in Startup Services? I enabled it, then disabled it, and I don't
see any difference one way or another]

Now to my problem:

There is some sort of snag or bug having to do with reboot and shutdown
in LM 8.0. Sometimes it will shut down or reboot (shutdown -h now)
properly, in which case, during the subsequent bootup everything boots
up perfectly (all green checkmarks), no error messages whatsoever, and I
am told 1) "Remounting root file system in read-write mode" and 2) "hda1
(my boot partition) has mounted cleanly" with various statistics about
the /boot partition.

On the other hand, if LM 8.0 has failed to shut down properly or failed
to reboot (necessating manual powering down and manual powering up),
then I still get a "Remounting root file system in read-write mode" but
I get an error message about hda1, i.e. my boot partition: "hda1
mounted, check forced". This quickly gets a RED checkmark indicated that
the problem has been fixed.

In this case of a failed reboot/shutdown, I also get a second line
further down the boot sequence:

"Checking filesystem quotas: c\Cannot stat mountpoint: No such file or

I have tried to solve this problem in various ways, thanks to the
suggestions of our list members, but nothing has really solved the basic
conflict. I tried to comment out the boot partition line in /etc/fstab
(# /dev/hda1 /boot). This helped as a palliative by eliminating the
"check forced" of hda1 during bootup. However, I have been warned that
this is not a good idea, that /boot should always be checked during
bootup for any errors. So, I have uncommented the /boot line in fstab.

[sher@sher07 sher]$ cat /etc/fstab
/dev/hda3 / reiserfs defaults 1 1
/dev/hda1 /boot ext2 defaults 1 2
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
/dev/hdb1 /home reiserfs defaults 1 2
/dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom iso9660 user,noauto 0 0
/dev/fd0  /mnt/floppy vfat user,noauto 0 0
/dev/hdc1 /mnt/windows vfat
user,exec,umask=0,codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
/dev/sda /mnt/zip auto user,noauto 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda2 swap swap defaults 0 0
 [sher@sher07 sher]$

(Same for mtab]
Please note that /boot (by the way, it is 64 meg in size) uses the ext2
file system while / and /home use the new ReiserFS. Is this possibly an
issue? Should /boot have been partitioned using ReiserFS, too. I have
been told by one of our gurus that no, /boot should be ext2 perhaps
because of lilo.

Another suggestion has been to remove supermount from fstab. Well, I
tried this and removed supermount for my zip drive, my floppy and my
cdrom. They work fine the old fashioned way, which in many ways I prefer
anyway. But that has not solved the problem. I have experimented and
once again, sometimes LM 8.0 reboots/shutdowns properly and sometimes it

There is one last thing that needs to be mentioned in this context. I
don't understand this last matter (and hopefully somebody else will),
but it may play a role in all this or be a symptom of the whole problem.
Sometimes, and again I emphasize, sometimes (just as the reboot/shutdown
problem happens just as often as it doesn't), I get the following error
message when I reach the console (I always boot up to runlevel 3):

"sher07 login: Winbond Super-IO detection now testing ports 3F0, 370,
250, 4E, 2E, SMSC Super -IO detection now testing Ports 2F0, 370."

I then have to type CntRL-C to return to my usual logon screen with the
prompt, so I can log INTO KDE with startx.

What is all this about, please? I have noticed that when I turn off the
Toshiba win98, the Winbond and SMSC Super-IO detection error disappears.
Any idea on how to turn off this nuisance altogether. Or is this related
to my reboot/shutdown problem?

Well, that's it. Looking forward to hearing from those who are more
intimately familiar with both Linux and LM 8.0.

Thanks so much in advance.


P. S. Please remember to keep it simple. Thanks.

Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

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