
Wanting to revive an old SPARCstation2 4/75, I tried RH6 which was a terrible
disaster.  Then I tried LM7.1 and this was better; but still not usable.

The other day, I tried LM Corp. Server 1.0...  Installed via NFS; very NICE &
smooth install!!  Though it only installed about 260MB of stuff...

The surprise though is that for all the comments about using ssh vs telnet, this
"Corp. *Server*" distro installed telnetd; but there is no sign of ssh[d]
(well... some man files) anywhere on either ISO image.

MandrakeUpdate was not installed...  resolved; but...

Does anyone know if/where there are any updates for SPARC...?

Using MU, I get this for every site I visit:
> --09:35:12--  
>            => `-'
> Connecting to ftp.sunet.se:21... connected!
> Logging in as anonymous ... Logged in!
> ==> TYPE I ... done.  ==> CWD pub/Linux/distributions/mandrake/updates/7.1/sparc ... 
> ==> PASV ... done.    ==> RETR descriptions ...
> No such file `descriptions'.
> --09:35:24--  
>    => `-'
> Connecting to ftp.sunet.se:21... connected!
> Logging in as anonymous ... Logged in!
> ==> TYPE I ... done.  ==> CWD pub/Linux/distributions/mandrake/updates/7.1/sparc ... 
> ==> PASV ... done.    ==> RETR ls-lR ... done.
> Length: 89 (unauthoritative)
>     0K ->                                                        [100%]
> 09:35:27 (1.55 KB/s) - `-' saved [89]


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