What could be causing this?
I boot up, login, startx.
Try to open a console window (Which usually goes very fast, a second or two) and it opens, shows a cursor and then sits for 30 seconds to a minute then gives me a command prompt. Works fine after this point.
If I exit KDE, logout of the machine and try to log back in... it takes my password... sits for about 1 minute or so and then returns me to the login prompt not allowing me to login as ANY user.
I have never seen this before. The machine was working fine... no errors on bootup or anything. Nothing was upgraded or changed on the machine before it stopped working.
I also noticed if I try to do a iptables -L it hangs at the INPUT rules and I have to do a Control-c to get control again. If I do a iptables -F I am then able to do a iptables -L. If I add ANY input rules by hand or run the tiny firewall config I get the problem back.
Any ideas?
I am using LM8.0 This machine was running perfect...

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