I think it is a script order problem. That is, for bootup script,
"usb" is run after "network". You can edit /etc/rc.d/init.d/usb and
change the order number to less than network.

Monday, June 19, 2000, 1:30:58 AM, you wrote:

DL> I can get my Lynksys USB100TX to work on my Iopener w/ Mandrake 7.1 but not at
DL> bootup where eth0 is delayed/failed. I believe its a network restart that
DL> actually gets it going (I enter and leave netconf without doing
DL> anything...rc5d/510network reload is the 'change' that is activated). I also
DL> get an error on shutdown, something like: dev_close, bug eth0 still running.
DL> All I did was enter the pegasus module (not one of the menu choices in netconf)
DL> for eth0 when I setup networking in netconf (alias eth0 pegasus was added to
DL> conf.modules). What do I need to do to get eth0 running at bootup?

DL> Following are bootup messages and network restart messages


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