Dear friends:

I have been using WP8 for Linux for over six months. I used to use WP6
for Dos and Windows years ago when, like so many others, I was persuaded
to follow the standard (pun intended) and switched to MSword 2, 6 and
then even for a while 97. 

I do not wish to discuss the merits of WordPerfect vs MSWord in this
message. Rather, I would like to inquire whether any of you have
discovered the same problem that I have, by now, repeatedly encountered:

After you install WP8 for Linux, whether as user or root, whether in
text mode or graphically, whether the download version or the retail,
whether in root's directory or in user's directory (I have done all of
these several times over), you have to configure its Preferences as
"adm", that is, adminstritator. The "adm" is definted by where and who
installed WP8. I am a single user on a single Linux machine (AMD k6-2
400 Mghrtz, 128 megs of RAM) and can, therefore, technically be an adm
either as root or user.

Each time I installed WP8, I first UNinstalled the earlier version
properly (by ./remove.wp) in the WP directory and then deleted
completely the .wprc folder that appears in your /home/user directory.
It is a hidden directory. To see it, either do a /home/user ls -la or go
to KFM File Manager and under View select to see the hidden files. 

All of this is as a preface to the following:

You configure your preferences by using the command:

/home/sher/wp80/wpbin/xwp -adm

or /opt/wp80/wpbin/xwp -adm (if that's where your WP is)

I spent an hour on the phone last week with a very kind and patient
gentleman from Corel tech support who explained all this to me and we
went step by step through every single screen and every single option in
Preferences. My problem at the time was that I couldn't get a document
backup, which is, of course, a critial matter. Well that's been solved.
You must save your work space in Environment and indicate your document
and backup directoris in Files as well as check the options for original
backup and the timed backup (preferably 1 minute).

I did all of this or rather we did it together on the phone, and
everything seemed all right. But after getting off the phone, without
making any changes, the next time I tried to enter Preferences with the
-adm command, I found that just about everything had been greyed out. I
couldn't believe it.

So, I played with it. I have installed it nearly a dozen times, mostly
as user, in the exact same way (by the way, Authorization said that
"sher", that's me, was the authorized adm since I installed it as user
and into my home directory. When I installed it as root, of course,
Administration said that "root" was the adm.

Well, to make a long story short, every time I install WP, I get the
same result, namely, that, as it turns out, YOU ONLY GET ONE CHANCE TO
SET THE PREFERENCES! After you get out and try to come back in and type
the -adm command, WP's Preferences menu (except for Administration and
one other section) clams shut.

I am well aware that the fact that Administration is OPEN in Preferences
is a key to opening up the rest of Preferences. And I have tried every
trick I can think of: adding sher as user, as group, adding "users",
adding root. I tried to log out of KDE and log back in as root and still
the exact same thing happens. In fact, if "user" has installed it in
user's directory, then root can't even open up Preferences at all
(except Administration). Same in reverse (if root has installed it, user
can't have access to Preferences). Nothing works.

Please try it yourself and tell me if you have the same problem.

If this is a bug, it is a severe and crippling bug. If it is not, if it
is in fact a security feature, and if the Administration section is the
key to making Preferences available to the user whenever he needs to,
please, by all means, let me and others know PRECISELY how to do that. 

So, the big question of the day is: IF I COULD GET INTO PREFERENCES
whether I am technically "sher' or "root"? Why does WP8 Preferences clam
shut after a single use?

If Corel tech support is listening, please contact me about this.  

Thank you all for listening and thank you for your patience. Any


Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

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