On LM 7.2 plus extras

From:  ftp.sunet.se/pub/Linux/distributions/mandrake-devel/unsupported/i586
I downladed the  XFree86-4.0.3-2mdk directory and files therein.
 rpm -Uvh the rpm files other than cyrillic and glide module
All  install without complaint.

However now any wimdow manager shows up black, and menus are invisible.
removing just the  XFree86-server-4.0.3-2.1mdk.i586.rpm and 
reinstalling a  XFree86-server-4.0.2-4mdk.i586.rpm FIXES the problem !!!
All the other XFree86-4.0.3-2 rpms seem to function okay.

Any ideas?

William Bouterse
Talkeetna, Ak

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