Hi there!

My mail provider uses smtp-after-pop (i.e.you must query for new mail
first before being able to send). 

Currently I invoke fetchmail and sendmail via /etc/ppp/ip-up but it
looks like sendmail gets first there most of the time, which means the
server rejects my mails. If I invoke sendmail -q some minutes later from
the prompt, everything works fine. Tried my luck with 'wait' but there
seem to be some process handling involved I don't understand yet.

So what I need is this: some script lines in /etc/ppp/ip-up that invoke
sendmail-q *after* fetchmail has dld its first batch (runs in daemon
mode while being online at an interval of 500). Or just telling it to
wait some 5 minutes after connect before trying to deliver mail. 

I already thought of decreasing the delivery interval set in
/etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail but I don't know if a short interval like 10
min won't put an unreasonable load on the system, furthermore I often do
only connect to receive mail, which means I would have the interval set
to a very small number.

Ideas anyone?

Thanks tom

"Everybody is someone else's newbie" (Marilyn Manson, edited)
Thomas 'tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No spam, no UCE. 'Nuff said.
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