I was in as my normal self, in X, opened up an xterm window and su'ed so I
could change something in my lilo.conf.  Everything went fine until i logged
out of X, it said roughly " Id 1 respawning to quickly - terminal disabled
for 5 minutes."  I saw this and couldn't understand how id 1 (root) could be
respawning to quickly, but then I thought I forgot to logout of the xterm
and that might have caused it. So I switched to term 2 and tried logging in
as root, worked fine.  I then proceeded to term 3 and logged in as myself,
everything was fine, but term 1 was still showing that message. Going back
to term 2 ( root user ) and tried to start X, but it just sat there so I ^C
it.  Now, I could still function as root for about 2 more minutes but then
the same message popped up, and I wasn't even doing anything.  So, I went
back to term 3, logged out, went in as root and restarted.  I haven't had it
happen since but I was wondering what could cause that??


You may be Batman, but your no Bruce Wayne.

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