
I just upgraded to LM8.0+Freq last night and was please to see that AA
is now supported by the ATI driver (Rage II 3D) in XFree4.1.0. Strangely
the default config mean fonts >8 and <14 are not AAed, but I fixed this
in XftConfig and, wow, looks great!

Anyway, in the KDE font manager I can't see many of my installed fonts.
After running drakfont and asking it to reinstall my windows fonts, all
the fonts reappeared. Well at least until I logged out and back in; then
they where gone again. KDEs default font is Helvetica I think. This is
one that is missing. The font Xfs (?) replaces it with though actually
looks really nice (no idea what it is, but its italic), but I'm still a
bit perturbed by Linux not working as I'd expect. Any idea what's going


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