Hi guys,

I got the virtual hosting vhosts problem sorted, turns out that mandrakes
apache needs some rewrite editing before it will allow mod_perl for virtual

Anyway, thats sorted and working now. (amazing seeing my perl scripts
running that quickly.)
but the reason I wanted mod_perl working was to speed up some SSI web
sites.. (footer is perl, header is perl, other stuff is perl also.)

This doesn't work at present.. but I am under the impression that I am
supposed to call it like this (in the shtml):

<!--#perl sub="Apache::Include" arg="/perl/times.pl" -->

Right now, I get this in the logs:

"unknown directive "perl" in parsed doc"

Anyone know how I define "perl" as the directive for SSI mod_perl ???

I am sooo close here I can taste it..

Any help here would be very very much appreciated.
I have read about 3 dozen web sites while looking at google.com, but so far
nothing that tells me how to achieve this.



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