Hi everyone,,,

I am having a little problem with Bind, which is now set up for our domain
names and is seconded by our isp's dns,,

I was sucessful with the main domain deligation, and got confiring results
with a whois... BUT!!

for many of the subdomains that I created, it works correctly and we get the
correct IP from any connection...

but for the domain and subdomains that existed before we did this, they are
still coming up with their old IP address.

I was under the impression that if a domain name was deligated to a dns
server, then all subbdomains will be quiered from that dns server as well,,
but that doesn't appear to be the case since if you log into the dns server
directly, it is giving the correct new IP address (not from /etc/hosts
either), but it isn't updating the other dns's around with the new info...
for only two of the subdomains, the rest work fine... (the two that don't
work, were in existance before we setup this server, they were using other
ISP's DNS servers, and I am wondering if thats the reason they are not
resolving correctly..

I am alittle lost here, this seemed simple to set up, and for the most part
it was, but the things that got me, where this problem and the zone serial
number, which is supposed to be newer then any others, so I have it set as:

Have I done that correctly??

any help would be seriously appreciated as I am spending way to much time
talking to the isp help desk only to discover that they seem to know less
then I do...

kindest regards

Registered Linux user: 218317

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