This is a query to see if anyone has a similar problem or can shed any light on mine.
To allow normal users (non-root) to operate the ppp0 (or any) network interface, there is a program called usernetctl in /usr/sbin. If called with "/usr/sbin/usernetctl ifcfg-ppp0 report" it is supposed to return a true or false, depending on settings in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ppp0, accordingto the man file.
It seems to return nothing and susequently I can't get past the "users are not alloed to use this device" message in /sbin/ifup.
My problem: Only root can connect to the internet.
I'm not using kppp or the gnome equivelent, since they don't seem to want to talk the same language as my modem, so I'm using the gnome panel applet to call a shell script as /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup ppp0
If I could get usernetctl to do as he man page says it should, I suspect that I would be fine.
Any advice anyone?

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