See below.
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-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of LinuxGeek
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2000 3:47 AM
To: expert list
Subject: [expert] smb mount

heya all !! :-)

i am running mdk 7.1 on my machine at work....
i want to mount a volume from another Linux machine (RH 6.1) on my local network.

when i am trying to mount  i am getting this :

[root@sysadmin installs]# mount -t smbfs //mail/hda /mnt/mail_machine
tree connect failed: ERRSRV - ERRinvnetname
SMB connection failed
mount: backgrounding "//mail/hda"
[root@sysadmin installs]# Password:
tree connect failed: ERRSRV - ERRinvnetname
SMB connection failed

this is NOT a password issue....any thought anyone ?
Had this NOT been a password issue you would have gotten a
"connection to XXX failed" message early on, before getting a password prompt.
The remote machine "mail" is not accepting your login as root. This could be the case for many reasons...
I.E. uppper lowercase hashing not set properly... encryption, etc.
Don't assume that because you can login to Linux that these username/password pairs apply to Samba as well. They don't.
Samba identifies itself to the remote machine as the user you are currently logged in locally.
In your case you are logged in as root...
Go to the remote machine... THERE as root try "smbclient -L mail -U root" and see if it accepts the login using the same password. If it doesn't here's your problem. If it does then one machine may be using clear text (the default for 6.1) while the other may be using encrypted (used with 7.1 but not available with 6.1 until later...)
Also samba does not always pick up the local username properly...
Try specifiying it as you attempt to connect...
"smbclient -L mail -U root" and login and see if you can see the shares.
Once you can you should be able to mount the volume.
If you get logged in, but do not see the shares... well the remote machine has a problem or permission issue...

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