script tutorial

 also see


On Thu, 4 Jan 2001, Rusty Carruth wrote:

> Bug Hunter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> >   windows has an option for their dial up, in modem settings (advanced??)
> > to bring up a terminal window either before or after dialing.
> > 
> >   allow it to bring up a terminal window after dialing.  The normal ppp
> > negotation does not yet start, and your pppd server should then put out
> > its login: and password: prompts, which you can fill in by hand.
> > 
> >   if this does not work, then you have to work on your linux pppd until it
> > does.  once that works, windoze should get in just fine.
> > 
> > bug
> well, it works, but they'd really rather not have to log in manually,
> and I've not seen how to get it to NOT require them to log in manually
> every time.
> That's the short response.  Here's the longer one:
> I tried goin to the 'scripting' tab, and setting a (bogus) filename
> in as the script, and that indeed forces w98 to make you log in
> manually, at which point pppd runs (on the linux side) and all
> that's needed is to tell w98 to go on with things.  This works 
> fine, but requires the user to always log in manually, which
> they'd rather not have.
> Next login attempt - same thing, you need to enter manually.
> So, I tried to create a script file - without any info on
> what goes in to it I was pretty much spitting into the wind -
> really messy, and I had no luck getting anything to work.

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