On Fri, 2002-05-10 at 14:40, Nick Baker wrote:

anyone had the experience of not being able to write to fd0?

        And John replied:
Yes, I have had exactly the same problem. Turned out that the floppy was
flagged read only in the bios.
If I was a betting man, my money would be on the bios!
        Thanks for the tip,  John but it wasn't the bios, so I guess it is a good 
thing you are not a betting man %={)>

And Francisco Acaraz suggested:
If you are using konqueror for those write operation forget it; use
krusader or nautilus. Konqueror hang my computer when I try to write a
floppy, but with krusader or nautilus I have not problems.
        Thanks--I am using Konqueror, and as Femme explains below, there is a 
related bug in Konqueror but that doesn't explain why I couldn't write to 
floppy in a terminal.

FemmeFatale opined:
Don't know if this will help, Nick, but Konqueror has a bug in it that
prevents copying to a floppy from an open Konqueror window.
That you can't do it from a term suggests *the obvious sorry* that it
may not be mounted?
        Thanks, Femme--I didn't know about the bug, but since I am in Paranoid 
security mode, many mysteries happen in gui, so I generally move to console 
mode when I can't make things work in GUI. And the floppy was mounted

James offered:
mine does and my fstab line is
/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy vfat 
unhide 0 0
        Thaks, James. I suspect that might work if I added the "rw" (see below)--but 
by the time I read your solution I had found the Frankenlinux page on fstab:
and used the suggestion listed there:
/dev/fd0  /mnt/floppy  auto  rw,noauto,users,nosuid,nodev,sync,noexec  0  0
I think the important entry is the "rw" in the Mount Options (field three) 
list which means, of course, read/write. 

The Frankenlinux site is a *very* well written, useful resource--I recommend 
it. Not as much fun as this list, though ;-)  

Again, Thanks to all of you--  Nick

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