My biggest gripe with 7.2 has been the lack of the
e-conf tool in enlightenment.  For whatever reason, I
can't seem to find this tool with the enlightment
install on 7.2, thought it was def. there in 7.1 .

Can anyone shed some light on this?  That e-conf tool
worked wonders.


--- Rial Juan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Similar stuff here. CUPS didn't work. Now it does,
> but don't ask me what
> I've done to get it working, because I don't know,
> really. Just deinstalled
> and reinstalled it, and now it works.
> The screenshooter-applet (gnome) which always worked
> fine now produces
> jpegs 15 times bigger than before, which no
> graphical application can seem
> to recognise.
> The nVidia drivers which always worked perfectly
> before, fail to work now
> for OpenGL. Except in KDE. Well, I don't want to
> switch back and forth from
> one WM to the other just to play a game. Besides, it
> should work in gnome
> as well. Right now it only works in KDE; not even in
> plain X.
> I could go on, but you're getting the point... All
> the stuff I liked to use
> a lot under 7.1, and which at that time worked
> perfectly, is now broken. I
> have no clue what the heck went wrong. The only
> difference with previous
> installs is that I just chose to install everything,
> since I got 2 new 45GB
> drives, and didn't feel like having to wade trough
> the whole app-list at
> install time. Perhaps that's my whole problem.
> Perhaps LM just isn't
> intended to be installed completely since it might
> break things. Heck, do I
> know. If that's the problem, then why don't the
> packages complain about
> broken dependency conflicts or stuff? No clue. Hey,
> it might just be me.
> Perhaps it's something I did wrong at install time.
> Although I'm seriously
> wondering what the heck one can do wrong by
> inserting a bootable CD,
> choosing the partitions to install on, and selecting
> "install
> everything"...
> Oh, well... I'll try to deinstall and reinstall some
> more apps, see it it
> helps. And if not... There's always 8.0 when it
> comes out.
> On 2001.03.19 02:55 Clint Olson wrote:
> > Hi,
> >     I just wanted to have a little rant.  Awhile ago
> I installed
> > LM7.1 and
> > it worked great.  It recognized all of my hardware
> and ran all of my
> > software.  Granted, It wouldn't run X4.0 (so I
> couldn't use my GeForce2
> > MX on my other machine), and KDE 1 was a bit
> clunky, but it worked fine.
> > 
> > Hardware:
> > 128 Megs of RAM in DIMMS
> > AMD K6-2 366 MHz
> > 1.2 Gig HD (hda)
> > 20 Gig HD (hdb)
> > Generic ATAPI 48x CDROM (hdc)
> > ATI Expert@Play 98 PCI video
> > Sound Blaster 16 ViBRA16x (ISA PnP)
> > Boca 33.6 Modem (ISA PnP)
> > Netgear FA310TX PCI Network Card
> > Generic Serial Mouse
> > 
> >     Enter 7.2.  First, I tried upgrading, and royally
> messed things
> > up.  I
> > then proceeded to wipe and reload.  It installed
> fine, and I set LOADLIN
> > to boot it. (side note: I keep Windoze on hda. 
> Root is hdb2.  I like the
> > menu system that  Windoze 98 provides)  After
> booting into Linux, I
> > noticed several things.  First, cups ( :^P ) had
> lots of drivers for my
> > HP 932C.  Second, none of them worked.  On 7.1 I
> used the 550C drivers
> > (lp) to print to my 932 without a problem.  Now,
> none of the drivers work
> > (not even the 550C ones).  "Oh well," I thought,
> "I can do without a
> > printer."  Next, I noticed that sound was not
> working.  In 7.1 this had
> > set up automatically.  Since my card is a common
> SB16, I tried setting it
> > up here.  It totally failed to autodetect the
> settings.  It was only
> > recently that I tried changing the IRQ to 5 (5
> wasn't even on the
> > dropdown list, and it's 9 under Win95).  Now sound
> works, although MIDI
> > still is out (no biggie).  The final straw,
> though, was that it
> > completely missed my modem.  When I run HardDrake,
> it says it detects to
> > ISA PnP cards: SB16 & BocaModem.  However, when I
> look through the
> > hardware list, it doesn't even show up!  I have
> the modem setup
> > (hardware) to be TtyS1, so I *should* be able to
> just "echo ATDT #######"
> > to /dev/TtyS1and hear it dial, or tell Minicom to
> use TtyS1 and have that
> > work.  When I "echo ATDT #######" to TtyS0 (my
> serial mouse), I at least
> > see the cursor jump if I have gpm running.  This
> makes Linux almost
> > unusable for me, as I can't get any work done
> under it (no printing or
> > Internet).  I am very much looking forward to 8.0
> and hope that there
> > problems will be fixed.
> > 
> > Clint Olson
> > CO-n-Co.
> >
> > Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for
> less!
> > Join Juno today!  For your FREE software, visit:
> >
> > 
> > 
> -- 
> Rial Juan                       
> <>
>                 e-mail:             
>                    ICQ:                           
> 20135549
> Belgium            tel:                       
> ++3289856533
>               cellular:                      
> ++32496737018
> ulyssis system admininstrator      
> <>
> 1010011010 : Binary of the Beast

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