Jawwad Shami <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello
> I am kind of new to linux
>  I have a machine which has ftp daemon
> running(wu-ftpd)
> with xinetd the default home dir  for ftp is 
> /home/username
> but useres are allowed to go back and changed dir's
> they are also allowed to go back to any dir like /etc
> , /usr ,/var   etc.
> I want to remove this  and restrict the users to only
> their home dir

You *could* make them come in via anonymous ftp, with
ftp running in a chroot 'jail', then make the users
change user from anon to themselves.  I've never set this
up, so cannot explain how to, sorry.  (Well, the chroot
stuff is'nt that big a deal - turn off 'normal' logins
on wu-ftp, and set it for anonymous access allowed.
Set the permissions on the home dirs to 700 so nobody
but the users can see their stuff (or 750 if you want
users to see each other, but be careful about what 
groups are used and who else is in that group).

> the file permissions on all of my / dir are 755, I was wondering do I need
> to change any of the file permissions.
>  also is it safe to have 755 dir permisisons on  /etc and
> other imp dir's.

Yes, in fact many things will break if you don't let the world see /etc.

> I tried installing proftpd but i had problems in
> configuring it.

Well, perhaps someone else here can comment on that - I have a feeling
that may be a better choice anyway (than wu-ftpd)...


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