
  I found a perfect task to learn the `backtrack` vocab, and have successfully 
solved the problem (although the help system could use some example code). The 
only question I have left is why can't I compile the vocab below. I get the 
error that says "Cannot apply “unsafe-amb” to a run-time computed value" in the 
`solve` word. It works perfectly well in the listener, so why can't it work in 
a vocab?

  Could someone point out the reason for the error? Which part of the quotation 
is run-time computed? I have inlined everything I could, but it didn't help.

! Copyright (C) 2017 Alexander Ilin.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
    arrays backtrack combinators.short-circuit infix kernel
    locals math math.functions prettyprint scratchpad
    sequences sequences.private sets

IN: andrew-task

! The task is to find digits A, B, C, D, E, and F, such that:
! all digits are 1..9,
! all of the digits are different,
! D < E < F,
! ABC*D*EE*FFF = n^2, where n is an integer.

ALIAS: 0? zero?

: last3 ( seq -- X Y Z )
    unclip-last [ unclip-last [ last ] dip ] dip ; inline

: 6array ( A B C D E F -- {ABCDEF} )
    4array swap prefix swap prefix ; inline

: check-success ( {ABCDEF} -- )
        [ [ 0? ] count 0? ]
        [ duplicates empty? ]
        [ last3 [| D E F | D E < E F < and ] call ]
            [ first3 ] [ last3 ] bi
            [| A B C D E F |
                [infix A * 100 + B * 10 + C infix] :> ABC
                11  E * :> EE
                111 F * :> FFF
                { ABC D EE FFF } product :> prod
                prod sqrt >integer dup * prod =
            ] call
    } 1&& must-be-true ; inline

: solve ( -- )
        10 <iota> amb 10 <iota> amb 10 <iota> amb
        10 <iota> amb 10 <iota> amb 10 <iota> amb
        6array dup check-success .
    ] amb-all ;

MAIN: solve


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