In E, you need to turn on the Factor bundle with Edit | syntax ... Factor.
It works now.  You cannot do any syntax-highlighting selection from the
bundle's context  menu.


I see only coloring and no formatting.  The author is Kibleur Christophe.
Kibleur are you still around?  The FUEL implementation does much more to
modulate whitespace, and I want to implement that here in E, too.





From: Shaping [] 
Sent: 2010-November-27, 06:43
Subject: [Factor-talk] E; EditPro; Notepad++


I just got E to crash by looking around in the bundles.  I think I'll move
on to EditPro.


I like NotePad++, and use it as my main default editor (after discovering
that UltraEdit is often too slow on launch).    I loaded notepadpp and am
able to open Notepad++ on a  word in the listerner, but there is no coloring
or formatting.  I'm investigating the custom language feature now.  Has
anyone already defined a user-defined Factor language for Notepad++?





From: Joe Groff [] 
Sent: 2010-November-25, 06:54
Subject: Re: [Factor-talk] Emacs/FUEL; web server; sqlite installation for


On Thu, Nov 25, 2010 at 6:09 PM, Shaping <> wrote:

Thanks.  I knew about the font tables, but I don't think I updated and saved
properly the first time.  Fixedsys is a favorite heavy monospaced font.
With the Fixedsys, I've tried factors of 1.5 and 2.  The first produces a
very small, marginally acceptable look.  The second produces a huge font,
about a factor of 4 to 5 change in height.  There is no in-between with the
truncation.  This doesn't seem correct.  I've been able to adjust this
raster font more finely on other occasions.


Since Fixedsys is a raster font, it'll only display at sizes for which it
was originally authored. This is an ugly hack, but you could try supplying a
specific size only for Fixedsys:


    font name>> windows-font-name "Fixedsys" =

    [ 12 ] [ font size>> neg ] if ! nHeight


Factor normally passes CreateFont a negative value to ask for character size
rather than point size, which probably doesn't work well with Fixedsys.
Passing positive 12 should give you 12-pt Fixedsys.



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