
 I am a lurker in this group.  I come by once in a while to see what's 

 Hats off to Rick and others who have had the creative foresight to allow our 
unfolding realizations to have a social outlet.

 That single experience of the first meditation blows everybody out of water 
for the rest of their earthly life, and it's great to have a little community 
where we can compare and share notes as we mature in our awareness of what it 
is that happened to all of us.

 I hope that some type of group can continue.

 I like the simplicity of accessing archives on demand.  Also, at a time where 
every app is jealous of personal info, the anonymity is an important feature to 

 I have no doubt that something even better may show up as that same universe 
that brought us to here will probably continue to surprise and amaze.

 Forgive me for being a casual observer of this group.

 I know for certain that my relationship to the topic of the room is not casual 
at all and I am sure that is true for everyone who ever showed up here.

 Well done everybody,  and thanks for being there for me to lurk.

 I want to say I love everybody here...and as one sardonic monk-key buddy at 
Livingston Manor once told me:

 "Don't worry, it will pass...."    hahahahahahaha



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