To Reflect...

  Rescue Team

  "Because the Son of Man came to save the lost"
  (Luke 19:10).

  A group of boy scouts was used as "guinea pigs" in an emergency training 

  A false earthquake was produced and the boyscouts 

  pretended to be the injured people and would be taken to the emergency units. 

  One boy scout should have remained lying on the 

  ground to await the rescue team but the people reponsible for 

  first aid delayed and the "wounded" boy scout 

  remained lying there for various hours. 

  When the rescue group arrived at the place where the victim should have been, 

  they found only a note saying:
  "Having bled to death, I went home..."

  Up to what point have we understood that we are called as a rescue group to 
seek those who are lost? How quickly have we dealt with people who have not 
experienced the blessing of knowing Christ and receiving Him in their hearts? 
Have we been neglig

ent, ignoring the needs of the world, as were those who left the young boy 
waiting to be rescued?

  Jesus is our Lord and Saviour and expects of us determination in seeking 
those who are wandering in this world, not knowing what to do or where to go. 
He has called us, anointed us and sent us to the arid field of sin to take the 
water of the Gospel

 to the thirsty and discouraged.

  Many are in anguish, weakened, wounded in soul and anxious for a hand to 
rescue them from their suffering. They are waiting and... what are we doing? 
What has been our priority? Jesus came to seek the lost and counts on us to 
continue His work.

  Just as the boy scout, who wearied of waiting, went home, many will seek 
needed help in other places, perhaps even worse that those in which they have 
already been.

  Are you going to remain where you are or are you going to go immediately to 
the rescue?

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