Forwarded from: "Suzanne B. Stryker & Reveal Wisdom Team" <>
PRICE CORRECTION: To help cover the higher costs for the Thanksgiving buffet, the price is $15 or a meal ticket + $5. Students, faculty and staff using a meal badge do not need to pay the extra $5. If you forwarded the last email to anyone, please send them this version with the updated prices. © Suzanne B. Stryker Thanksgiving Buffet Thursday November 28 12 – 1:30 PM Main Dining Hall (Student Dining Room) MUM Argiro Student Center 1000 N. 4th St. Fairfield, Iowa Dear Thanksgiving buffet fans, Happy Thanksgiving in advance! You are invited to join us for a delicious organic vegetarian buffet on Thanksgiving day. It's easy, you'll see old and new friends and you don't have to cook or clean up! The feast will be in MUM's Argiro main dining hall (student dining room). We are having it at MUM because some people on campus do not have cars or family around. The holidays can feel a little empty if you don't have anyone to celebrate it with so please feel free to pass this invitation along to your friends and acquaintances. Many people bring friends and pay for their meals. We want everyone to feel cared for and loved during this time and all times! Use your mail badge or $15 or a meal ticket + $5. If you can't afford the cost, we hope to have some Thanksgiving buffet passes available on a first-come first-served basis. On Thanksgiving, please ask the person collecting money for lunch at Argiro. If you would like to donate for Thanksgiving or Christmas meals, please email Suzanne Stryker at <>. You don't need to respond if you have other plans or even if you're coming, just show up. You don't need to bring anything. I will put candles on two long rows of tables in the dining hall. Hopefully all of us will be able to sit together, but let's be flexible so we don't disturb other people's lunches or feelings. Let's spread our joy and love far and wide, extending our family to embrace everyone. To UNSUBSCRIBE, <> and indicate the email you wish to unsubscribe. Love, Suzanne B. Stryker <> <>