I don't see why we don't just let the markets fall.
This will just give people, especially young people to be able to 
purchase real estate, that was going through the roof, and well beyond 
the next generation's ability to purchase any real estate.
Why are we so concerned about bailing out the Bush administration who 
has bankrupted this country.
They didn't seem to care, when they were sending people to die in a 
war that wasn't necessary.
They didn't seem to care when the were cleaning up in the oil markets.
They didn't seem to care when jobs were lost and illegal immigrants 
were taking jobs.
They don't seem to care if people get medical treatment.
They don't seem to care if our infrastrucure is falling apart.
They've created a Billion dollar black market and pumped up the prison 
system, with more people in prison, for non-violent crimes, it's 
become a big industry.
They spent Billions in Iraq, and still are...the same 700 Billion they 
are asking for now, they already spent this much in Iraq, and for what?
They have been drunk on power and greed, and now that they've 
bankrupted the whole system, the come begging.
Let them deal with the bad karma, it's their bad karma, not mine, not 
Let the bastards go down.

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