'Moral Police' In India To Get Valentine's Underwear

by Philip Reeves
Morning Edition, February 13, 2009 · South Asia has a long history of producing 
formidable women. But few are as inventive as Nisha Susan.

Susan has embarked on a war against what some Indians call their country's self-
appointed "moral police." On Valentine's Day, she and thousands of her allies 
will unleash 
their chief weapon: women's pink knickers.

Susan launched her campaign after a posse of hard-line Hindu activists barged 
into a pub 
in the south Indian city of Mangalore last month and roughed up young women 
who were enjoying a quiet drink.

This assault — by members of a little-known organization called the Sri Ram 
Sena, or 
Lord Ram's Army — caused outrage among many Indians. It also triggered a 
debate about the rights of women in a fast-changing society where traditions 
still run 

Some of the Indian media carried indignant headlines condemning the 
"Talibanization" of 

The hard-liners justified their pub attack — which they deliberately publicized 
— as an 
effort to stop "un-Indian" and "loose" behavior and to prevent India from 
falling prey to 
"Western deviations" such as allowing women into watering holes clearly meant 
for men.

Susan, a 29-year-old journalist, decided to counterattack.

With several associates, she launched a group on the social networking Web 
Facebook. They called it the "Consortium of Pub-Going, Loose and Forward 
Women." And 
they unveiled a plan to dispatch piles of pink knickers to the leader of Sri 
Ram Sena in a 
nonviolent gesture of defiance.

The women chose Valentine's Day. This day particularly rankles right-wing Hindu 
extremists, who consider it an immoral commercialized Western import.

They have a record of marking the occasion by burning piles of valentine cards 
from shops and by harassing courting couples. This year, the Sri Ram Sena has 
threatening to force unmarried couples found together on Valentine's Day to get 
it also has warned shops not to mark the day.

Susan's plan has produced a huge response. Within a week, the Consortium of Pub-
Going, Loose and Forward Women accumulated 25,000 members. It has set up 
centers in several Indian cities to handle the bundles of pink bloomers — or 
"chaddis," as 
they're widely known in India — that have poured in. (The choice of "chaddis" 
is a poke at 
the radical Hindu paramilitary group, the RSS, whose members stride about in 
khaki shorts. In some areas,"Chaddi-walla" means right-winger.)

The consortium coupled the "chaddi" campaign with a separate appeal to its 
members to 
walk to the nearest pub, buy a drink and raise a toast on Valentine's Day — a 
battle cry 
that, according to its Web site, has won support from Toronto to Bangkok.

Asked about the campaign's success, Susan said: "I think it's because it 
appeals to the 
irreverent side of many people, even people who take themselves fairly 
seriously. I think a 
lot of people found it funny enough to participate in this."

"It is a nonviolent protest," she added, "and that inherently has an appeal for 
people who 
are not readily excited about political participation. ... A lot of people's 
feelings of what is 
appropriate have been offended by right-wing groups beating up women, or 
beating up 
minorities, or just generally being super bully boys."

The Sri Ram Sena's leader — who is on bail after his arrest for the pub attack 
— has a 
plan to answer the onslaught of pink underwear. He says his organization will 
reply with 
gifts of pink saris, the traditional garb of Indian women.

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