'The Rush
Effect Vs. The Maharishi Effect'

Way back at
the beginning of this hopeful year...
We had anelection in Iowa, which was surprising.
It was
surprising because an African American beat a Clinton in a primarily
white state.
There is agroup of Maharishi's Meditators who live in Fairfield, Iowa...
It is said,
there is an 'Effect' called the Maharishi Effect, which helps natural
law to express itself more clearly beyond the ego...a perceived
'coherent effect, effectively...
Now, a few
months later, and with some 'smoke and mirrors', added...
We have the
so-called 'Rush Effect'  with the intention of creating chaos in the
Democratic Party.
With so
many people, who listen to Rush, are hoping for chaos with the
He does
have an effect on the consciousness, of his listeners, and the Dems.

It's ashame that the forces of coherence in Iowa, can't be spread to therest of 
the country;
Instead ofthis shameful manipulation and cynicism that has spread like a 
virus,like snakes out of the disgusting mouth of Rush Limbaugh.

RobertGimbel  Seattle, Washington          May 4th 2008

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