Q:  It's 1979 - who's missing from this picture?
  A:  Swami Shantinand.
  Q:  Why is he excluded?
  A.  The other three (the Shankaracharya of Sringeri, the Shankaracharya of 
Puri, and the 
  Shankaracharya of Dwarka) did not invite him.
  Q:  So whom did they invite?
  A:  Swami Swaroopanand.
  Q:  Why did they invite him?
  A.  Obviously they consider him the legitimate Shankarcharya of Jyotir Math.
  Q:  So you mean Swami Shantinand doesn't really count?
  A:  Obviously not in the eyes of the Shankaracharya of Sringri, the 
Shankaracharya of Puri, and the Shankaracharya of Dwarka.
  Q:  But does it really matter what they think?
  A:  In the eyes of the Shankarcharya tradition, what do you think?

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