Turn it down, and better yet,
Turn it off...

All mass media has become negative! All the Time! Led by Fox and Drudge 
(((former CIA ))(((Rogues') perhaps, or better yet, per-hapless? ...

Behind the curtain is industrial strength drug companies and insurance 
companies and doctors for profit...

They are pulling out all stops to incite violence and death...
Why, one might be inclined to ask?
Why would humans to this to their countrymen?
Good Question...

Let’s think and feel about this for a minute...don't mind the time...
(one minute of silence)

Get this:
There are two forces of nature behind the curtain: Mr. Lust and Ms. Greed...
Underlining them both: Control over Life and Death...in other words: Fear...
The way to overcome them, is to understand, that there is,
Enough to go around, if we work together...and do not polarize in order to keep 
There is no need to fear unity of purpose, as this is God’s way for us to be 
For what if a man/woman gains the world,
But loses their souls?~



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