As a kid I loved to read the hockey scores in the morning paper.  As a young 
man I loved nothing more than to read and cheer on Wayne Gretzky as he broke 
every imaginable record in the NHL.  It was a fun, daily exercise in statistics.

Well, as a 54 year old, I am getting extreme pleasure out of seeing the daily 
tallies for "Avatar", which one can see at:

...and even more interesting is to click on the "Daily Box Office" tab to see 
how it is doing on a daily basis in the domestic market...and what's 
interesting here is that on the 28th and 29th, it did better than those same 
days of the week (the 21st and 22nd) which is HIGHLY unusual for a blockbuster 
which would start to fade after its initial release.

Exceptions to this rule was the blockbuster "Titanic" which just kept gaining 
momentum and sleeper hits, such as "My great, big, fat Greek Wedding" which 
started out small and then just built and built and built (until at some point 
it, too, faded):

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