>From a friend:

I'm passing this along to you Rick to post if you'd care to. 

In my first couple of years of TMing, at the combined Manhattan SIMS-SRM
Center on W. 78th street, we used to hand out this little photocopied yellow
brochure that clearly stated 5-7 years for higher states of consciousness
and I remember telling all my friends "five years till CC, one year to GC
and another year to UC." I believed it myself until at least 7 years had

At that time Charlie used to fly in fairly often from LA to NY to give intro
lectures and he was very clear about the 5-7 years and higher states of
consciousness. Also Gail Cohen I think that was her name (wife of Kip Cohen
who managed the Fillmore East). She tried to be more practical about it but
those yellow brochures were given out and were standard fare.

Kenny H.

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