Did anyone notice that the bash-Barry fest last night
was all ABOUT afflictive emotions?

One drama queen, still smarting from a largely imagined
offense months ago, misrepresents what happened, *in order
to get some kind of 'payback' to the person who he still
has a grudge against*.

The next person, bearing even more of a grudge, piles on
and tries to expand this fit of dwelling in the past and
drama queen hysterics, and tries her best to get as many
other people involved in it as possible. She goes on and
on for several posts trying to do this, almost as if it
were some kind of (dare I say it?) obsession for her.

Meanwhile I was asleep, not a party to any of this at all.
Since waking up and noticing it, I've tried merely to 
point out what should have been obvious from the start. 

This was all about afflictive emotions. Two people with
a *grudge they cannot get over* leapt upon the first 
excuse presented to them to act out about it again. 
Addicted to the Spite OS, they just couldn't wait to
indulge in it again. 

You may see this whole thing differently, but that's how
I see it. It's about indulging in the afflictive emotions,
and the residual obsessions that form in those who *do*
indulge in them when they do it for many years.

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