I just joined the FFL group today and just want to say I'm 
enjoying the posts and wide range of outlooks. 
   I learned the TM technique off campus, no puja. I just wanted to 
make sure I wasn't doing the contempt prior to investigation thing. 
Having spent a fair amount of time researching and practicing various 
meditation styles (more 'buddhistic' usually) I can say from this 
outsiders very circumspect viewpoint that the benefits of TM are very 
real and readily quantifiable and I would suggest learning TM to 
anyone. I would though, and do, suggest to people that they learn off 
campus and avoid the Movement. Sadly, I've seen at close range, 
people in my immediate social circles who've suffered from their lack 
of caution. I get minimalization and denial from some of my favorite 
Ru friends when this is mentioned.....so I worry a bit.
   No group, political ,social, or spiritual thats last for any 
amount of time goes without the need of reform. I'd like to pose this 
question: is there within the autocracy of the TM movement any 
realization of the need for change...........or is it just fringe 
people that are making noise about the dishonsty, the harm, the 
oppressive secrecy that are the definitive characteristics of the TM 
organization as the rest of the world see's it?
   I'm a monotheist (of sorts) but I practice a combination of 
buddhist meditation and holosync meditation developed by Bill Harris 
who left the movement some time ago. Being a rather adventurou seeker 
myself I have respect for any who come to TM to develope spiritually. 
I LOVE Fairfield and I dearly love my meditator friends. But I have 
concerns and would love to see the special community North of town 
become what many decent good hearted TM'ers would like it to. 
   Or in the wake of Maharishi's passing will we see a solidifying of 
this autocracy that in my possibly incorrect opinion, perpetuates 
occult psuedo science and mind control?
   I don't intend to be antagonistic, but this strikes me as group 
where I might get a variety of viewpoints, all of which I'd 
appreciate. I'd like to know what people think.  Thanks

                   Apologetic for any presumptousness,
                                           Ed Raines

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