Earlier, Rick Archer made two posts here on FairFieldLife, back-to-
back: one was a personal experience of hugging that a fellow devotee 
of Amma had forwarded him and Rick felt he just had to share with the 
rest of us (see http://tinyurl.com/avv6zc ); the second one was a 
link to a media story on a Hindu group developing a cow urine 
beverage to be marketed to the masses in India (see 
http://tinyurl.com/bj5le6 ).

I suppose it was the odd juxtaposition of the two that got me 
thinking: instead of offering hugs in her darshan sessions what if 
Amma would offer sips of cow urine?

There would be the same line-ups to the podium.  But instead of 
hugging each of the aspirants and clinging them to her chest or 
shoulder (which can't be very sanitary from the looks of the 
photographs I've seen of her), she would offer up a cup of urine that 
the devotee would sip from.

I mean, in the final analysis, what would be the difference?

Whether she offers a hug or a sip of cow urine, why in heaven's name 
would there be any different outcome to the person partaking in the 
experience?  If she is, indeed, enlightened, the hugging business is 
of course only just a "gimmick"; a means to an end...an avenue 
through which to express, manifest, and communicate her universality 
to whomever she is coming into contact with.

If anything, I imagine that switching to cow urine would provide a 
booster shot, so to speak, to the experience.  Why?  With the hugging 
gimmick, any Tom, Dick, or Harry can get in line -- believer or 
skeptic alike -- and get a hug just to see what the experience is 
going to be.  Hey, you could even be a complete cynic like me who 
would show up at the darshan hall just to see what the hell was going 
on and check out whether Amma was a fraud or not.  And if truth be 
told not everyone that goes up and is on the receiving end of the old 
touchy-feely from Amma gets the Baroque experience that her hard-core 
devotees are always most eager to share with us.  No bells and 
whistles, no conversion.  No tickee, no washee.

But if all she was offering was urine, then you'd pretty much have to 
have a leap of faith to even show up, let alone get in line.  I'd say 
the switch to urine would start separating the wheat from the chaff; 
all the skeptics, marginals, and low-lifes who, for the most part, 
are not good potential devotee material would be automatically 
filtered out and, instead, those willing to get in line for a sip of 
the old bovine elixir will henceforth be heavily skewered to the true-
believer demographic.

And that's the stuff from which profitable, going-concerns of a cult 
are made from.

Hey, isn't that one of the reasons the TM organisation upped their 
fee for learning the technique from $75.00 back in '75 to the 
$2,500.00 it is today?  "We want only the serious aspirants now, not 
like back in the old days when anybody could show up and get 
initiated," TM teachers will tell you in order to justify the current 
exhorbitant fee.  "Charging $2,500.00 means that the person showing 
up is going to take it seriously."

I'd say that the carrot of darshan or bliss or whatever it is that 
Amma huggees get from being cleaved to her bosum for those 3 or 4 
seconds would be replaced by a new carrot provided by the offering of 
holy Amma-blessed cow urine... which would elicit the added benefit 
to the Amma organisation of upping the true believer factor 

Certainly, adopting this new marketing approach would, initially, 
dramatically reduce those in the darshan line-up, let alone people 
showing up at the auditorium.  But I'm confident that the percentage 
of devotees that would result would at least be the same under the 
hugging angle, if not more.  And the profit margin would necessarily 
be higher: the organisation would no longer have to rent out large 
halls, always a risky undertaking in the guru business.  This would 
save an incredible amount in expenses.  Plus, I can only imagine that 
after hugging those many millions Amma must want to give that right 
shoulder a break.

Another benefit: if the new age business has learned anything it's 
that the front man (or woman, as the case may be) must continually 
reinvent themselves if they want to avoid the risk going "stale" in 
the consumers' minds.  I guarantee you that the move to cow urine 
from hugging will result in a completely new set of headlines 
worldwide and publicity the likes of which only a double murder in 
Brentwood could possibly hope to match.

Perhaps we're on to something here.  

My only reservation is that I've gone public without first sharing 
the idea with Amma and her people privately.  That way I could have 
sent her an invoice for services rendered.

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