Title: An auspicious beginning
From: Anthony Antimuro <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Anthony Antimuro <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: 1/31/2006 1:27:43 PM
Subject: FW: An auspicious beginning

Dear Friends,

Purusha has landed in the "Land of Wholeness"¸ as Maharishi is fond of calling Holland. There is a strong sense in the group that coming to be with Maharishi at this time is a very significant step forward in our evolution. And indeed the signs for it are very auspicious.

Normally when Maharishi invites a group to be with him, he lets them rest a day or two to recoup from travel fatigue. So I was surprised when the message came on the day after we arrived that he wanted to meet with us. We are in bungalows in a resort park just 15 minutes drive from MERU. I was one of the first to arrive at Maharishi's magnificent wood house. It turned out he didn't call for us to meet with him, but to come see something that had appeared: an ice linga, the form of Shiva, the aspect of Silence within Natural Law. Purusha is that Silence within Natural Law so it is correlated with Shiva.

The ice linga had appeared on the second floor ledge of Maharishi's house near where he has his living quarters. If you have seen a picture of his house you would have noticed a prominent sun room in the center of the second floor above the entrance. The linga appeared just to the left of that room. To see it, we actually went upstairs into the sun room, a very kind invitation that few have ever had the privilege of seeing. Gareth Wallace, who has an office downstairs, said he had never been upstairs.

What makes this linga so unusual is that it appeared at all. Nothing like it had ever appeared on the house before. There was no snow on the roof, and no gutter from which to leak a drip. But there was a slight drip coming off the beam above. From where did so much water come? One could only guess. It seemed highly unlikely that enough water could have leaked under the roof and run off the beam, but somehow it did, making it all the more mysterious.

At its highest the linga was about 14-15" tall. When we arrive late in the afternoon it was about half that. It was not clear ice but frosty white, and perfectly shaped as lingas seen in stone. The pandits had done puja to it so there were some flower petals around it.

When Maharishi was told that the linga had appeared, the first thing he asked was if Purusha had arrived, and was told that yes, they had just arrived. So he took it to be a very auspicious sign that Shiva would give the blessing of an appearance at the time Purusha arrived.

A VERY good start.

Jai Guru Dev,


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