Dear Ann,

First off, let me remind you again that I use astrological analysis for
personal growth - nothing less, nothing more. It only strengths,
weaknesses, inclinations, challenges, influences in various domains of
life. The unique, personal consciousness of the person under consideration.
It does your destiny in a sense, doesn't show free-will, would a good tool
for understanding one-self, tuning oneself in meeting reality.

I have an analysis below. Understand this is what your chart shows. You
might be already aware of many of your challenges, of your inclinations and
you certainly may have already overcome or addressed them, especially
considering how you come across on FFL.

Of course I might have been completely off the mark - anyway I will wait
for your feedback.

You are a very self-focused individual, hardworking, reliant, disciplined -
you, most likely at a young age were compelled to take responsibility owing
to family circumstances. You were either through your or other's
perceptions counted on to be the elder, regardless of if you were not the
eldest of your siblings or not, you were the major influence, had the major
say in your family.

You have a powerful need to be nurture and be nurtured. You spend a lot of
your effort,energy into creating a secure home for yourself - probably
stemming from your childhood. Mostly extremely attached to your mother and
not the father, yet there is lot of friction with the mother, with
feelings. You get involved or get caught up, willingly or unwillingly in
lot of family drama. OTOH your relationship with your father created
feelings of being un-tethered.

You can also get caught up in emotional upheavals, melancholy, this sense
of burdened by being the go-to person, an obsessive emotional hang-up,
matters involving death, dying. (All this the sign of Scorpio being your
ascendant with Moon, Saturn and Rahu - yes Rahu and the ascendant lord in
the 4th house).

The predominant influence of Scorpio makes you exceptionally intuitive, you
love to see through, gather the motivations of others. You are totally
turned off by superficiality, in-authenticity  You have a presence, you
radiate a natural power because of this influence.

So the way to release the tension from the issues, the burdens of the
emotional upheaval, over-reliance on self - presented earlier is you being
involved with your home and your spouse - this relaxes you. Being involved
with spouse in social circles of higher knowledge, you may have met your
spouse in such a fashion, you value your spouse for his knowledge or you
look up to him as such. You have a natural respect for men that present
higher knowledge - these are attractive qualities for you. Knowledge is
fun, knowledge and fun, pleasure are not contradictory for you. They go
hand in hand. Spouse is an area of fun, knowledge and relaxation (Venus and
Jupiter in the 11th house).

The ideas of a reform, freedom, justice, equality are very important for
you, in a concrete sense - you can be a trouble maker and pulled the plug
on where you saw these compromised  People view you as a dynamic and
enterprising in this aspect (a little tainted by my knowledge of your time
with Robin, but it's there in your chart).

You are a very charming, diplomatic communicator - always seeking middle
ground, playing devil's advocate, covering all contingencies and
possibilities, your opinions always with qualifiers, contingencies. You may
also be fascinated with visual imagery, symbols, myths - because of your
Mercury in the 12th house (Sun & Mercury in the 12th house in Libra)

You yearn, desire to leave your mark as a intuitive, compassionate,
sensitive, perceptive as your contribution, in the areas of the inner
search of truth, spirituality.

That's all I have for now dear Ann, it's just a basic analysis - I didn't
cover many aspects because there's lot more that can be said. May be
depending on your feedback I may have more, or I may go back and come back
with something I missed or the other areas that I have completely skipped.

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