Back engineering alien technology?  

Yeah, right.

That's about as possible as a colony of ants finding a cell phone in
the grass and saying, "Alien technology, let's copy it."

Yeah, we're that dumb compared to ANY POSSIBLE ALIEN IMAGINABLE.

The closest star is about 25,000,000,000,000 miles away.  That's the
correct amount of zeros.  Light takes eight minutes to travel from our
sun to earth.  It takes FOUR YEARS of travel for that same light to
get to the nearest star.  Our fastest space craft travels about 25,000
MPH -- light travels at 186,000 miles per second -- that's 670 MILLION
MPH, and it still take four years to get there.  Takes 30,000 years to
get to the galactic center.  Two million years to get to the nearest
"other galaxy."  Light speed is a joke.  More light speed lite.

So, any species hovering around earth will have some better way of
traveling than riding on a photon; something faster, maybe even
instant.  Any species that has created faster than light traveling
will have knowledge of engineering and physics such that they'll
appear to be magicians -- even more beyond us than we seem to be
beyond ants.  

Look at the last 100 years of technological evolution.  Where are we
going to be a 100 years from now?  Even today's imagined quantum
computers, if realized, will be transcendentally faster than that
chug-chug box you call your laptop, and that is "just around the
corner."  Things can change, ahem, fast.

Okay, now ask yourself:  What is the likelihood of an alien species
being "just slightly ahead of us?"  Answer:  almost zero.  Instead, it
is mathematically overwhelming that any spacefaring species will be
vastly older -- up to billions of years old than us.

Gee do you think they know something subtle?

Do you think they'd be coming to earth and not have a plan -- a plan
that was devised by brains evolved by, say, a hundred millions years
of technological tweaking?  Do you think human science might, you
know, KNOW EVERYTHING if we give them another 100,000,000 years to
chew on the data?

If American authorities are in contact with ANY species, you can be
sure that they are ants and totally controlled, used, manipulated,
whatever.  Any "insider knowledge" will be a joke, a bone tossed, a

Only someone like Rory can be imagined interacting with space faring
aliens on anything like a eye-to-eye basis.  Probably advanced science
moves materiality towards an ephemeral ultimate, and it becomes
impossible to not call their milieu "the astral plane."  Rory-ville.

Give me a hundred million years, and I'll figure it all out -- I'll
know how to, with a single thought, solve any of earth's present
dilemmas.  The four horsemen would be like puppies to me.

But instead of gods and magicians, we're getting a few lights in the
sky?  Instead of universal cures for any disease, we're getting
shredded weather balloons?  Instead of "welcome to our galactic
society" we're getting, you know, THIS HELL OF SHEER IGNORANCE?

Don't talk to me about aliens -- if they're real, then we hardly are,
and no discussion here, there, or anywhere between you, me or any
humans is going to matter a jot.  If not, then the concept-of-them is
going to be used to tax the masses for money to build space defense
systems.  Like that.  

Either way, back to the middle -- can't take sides.


--- In, Angela Mailander
> No, logic does not require the supposition of back engineering to be
true in order for it to serve as a valid objection that there is no
real evidence.  Seeing a weird craft on the ground does not constitute
evidence about its origin, especially when  we can provide another
possible explanation.  Logic does not require this alternative
explanation to be proven factual.  
> off_world_beings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                 
             --- In, Angela Mailander 
>  <mailander111@> wrote:
>  >
>  > Did you read my post about that?  According to the Disclosure 
>  Project, the U.S. has "back-engineered" some of those unidentified 
>  flying objects.  If so, and if you saw one on the ground, HOW would 
>  you be able to distinguish the Martian variety from the home grown 
>  imitations? >>
>  First you would have to accept the back-engineering part from alien 
>  craft as true ! ! !
>  I don't buy that part without solid evidence, so the point it is moot 
>  for most people.
>  I luv ya Angela, but this has got to be one of the classic invalid 
>  assumptions coupled with circular arguments ever  !
>  We should save this one for the archives under "circular logic"
>  <<Moreover, how would you know that they're imitations?  They might 
>  not be back-engineered at all, but might in fact be what we can do on 
>  our own.  >>
>  Yea, Dick Cheney is driving those things around at night scaring 
>  children and old grannies :-)
>  OffWorld
>  .
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