Arizona Could Pay High Price for Anti-Immigrant Law

NEW YORK, Apr 26, 2010 (IPS) - U.S. immigration experts, law enforcement 
officials and religious leaders are hitting back at the draconian legislation 
signed into law in Arizona last week, charging it will subject the state to 
"staggering potential costs" and vowing to have the law declared 
unconstitutional in the courts.

In one Arizona county alone, Yuma County, the sheriff estimates that law 
enforcement agencies would spend between 775,880 and 1,163,820 dollars in 
processing expenses. Jail costs would run between 21,195,600 and 96,086,720 
dollars, and attorney and staff fees between 810,067 and 1,620,134 dollars.

The estimates by Yuma County Sheriff Ralph E. Ogden were produced because there 
is no state-wide fiscal data yet available on the cost of the legislation's 
implementation. Sheriff Ogden's estimates were prepared for inclusion in a fact 
sheet produced in response to similar legislation in 2006.

Yuma County is one of Arizona's 15 counties, with a population of about 
200,000. The sheriff's fact sheet also shows that additional detention 
facilities would have to be built at unknown costs.

These costs do not account for lost revenue such as tax contributions and 
consumer purchasing, as well as the potentially expensive lawsuits that will 
likely ensue.

Republican Governor Jan Brewer signed the legislation after a week of rallies 
and protests by anti- and pro-immigration groups. The new law makes Arizona the 
first state in the nation to deem it a crime for a person to be an undocumented 

Several legal challenges to keep the legislation from taking effect are already 
in the works by the Mexican American Legal and Educational Fund, the American 
Civil Liberties Union and the National Day Labourer Organising Network.

"Arizona would have the same place in history as South Africa," said Salvador 
Reza, organiser for the PUENTE movement, which advocates for human rights, 
comparing the new law to apartheid.

But the passage of the Arizona law may also have ignited new energy and resolve 
from the pro-immigration reform movement.

President Barack Obama has criticised the Arizona bill, saying it threatens to 
"undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans, as well as 
the trust between police and our communities that is so crucial to keeping us 
safe." He called on Congress to enact comprehensive immigration reform.

Sen. John McCain, a Republican of Arizona, has in the past been one of the 
champions of comprehensive immigration reform. Today, locked in a tight primary 
challenge from his right wing to win his party's nomination for another term, 
he has endorsed the new law. Arizona's other senator, Republican John Kyl, has 
done likewise.

Known as the "Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighbourhood Act", the law 
would allow police officers to arrest a person based on "reasonable suspicion" 
that he or she is an undocumented immigrant. Police departments could face 
lawsuits by individuals who believe they are not enforcing the law.

A coalition of businesses and religious leaders has warned that the impact of 
the new measure could severely damage Arizona's economy.

The new law "is tearing our state into two. It humiliates us into the eyes of 
America and threatens our economic recovery," said Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon.

State Sen. Russell Pearce, a Republican from Mesa, the author of the bill, said 
the legislation would have the opposite effect. He believes the new legislation 
will lead immigrants to leave Arizona, causing the state to save money in 
services it currently provides to the children of undocumented immigrants at 
schools and hospitals. He has said that states have to take the matter into 
their own hands in absence of federal enforcement.

The recent death of a rancher on the border connected to violence in the area 
gave momentum to passage of the new law.

As the Arizona governor signed the bill into law, the national and Arizona 
faith community condemned it as "an affront to moral conscience that will 
divide families and communities."

"The inhumane legislation demonstrates the urgent need for national political 
leadership to pass comprehensive immigration reform," said a coalition of a 
dozen leaders from evangelical, mainline Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish 
religions representing millions of U.S. citizens.

The legislation was also condemned by the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination 

Rev. Jim Wallis, president and CEO of The Sojourners, said, "The law signed 
today by Arizona Gov. Brewer is a social and racial sin, and should be 
denounced as such by people of faith and conscience across the nation. It is 
not just about Arizona, but about all of us, and about what kind of country we 
want to be."

"This law will make it illegal to love your neighbour in Arizona, and will 
force us to disobey Jesus and his gospel. We will not comply," he added.

And Rev. Jan Flaaten, executive director of the Arizona Ecumenical Council, 
said, "All the religious leaders of Arizona know and understand that this law 
will not solve the issue of crime along the border or in our state, but it will 
demonise anyone who looks suspiciously like an undocumented person, leading to 
inevitable racial profiling."

"Our religious traditions ask us to treat people with dignity and respect, and 
we look for a more enlightened and hopeful way of working with the undocumented 
people who live alongside us," he added.


Arizona Sheriff refuses to enforce new immigration law

In Arizona, Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, who has been a cop for 52 
years, says it will definitely lead to racial profiling. He told local TV 
station KGUN9 that the law is "racist," "digusting," and "unnecessary," and he 
won't enforce it. While the law may not explicitly mandate profiling, Dupnik 
said that there's no way to enforce it without doing so; the "lawful contact" 
provision will become nothing but a "flimsy excuse" to target certain people...


Arizona immigration law faces multiple lawsuits

-OFFICIALS in the Obama administration are urging the extraordinary stepof 
suing Arizona over its new immigration law, and the Justice
Department is considering such an action to block the legislation from
taking effect, government officials said Wednesday.

Lawsuits challenge new Arizona immigration law

    PHOENIX – An Arizona police officer and a Latino group filed the
first legal challenges of Arizona's sweeping new law cracking down on
illegal immigration Thursday.

Fifteen-year Tucson police veteran Martin Escobar argues there's no way for 
officers to confirm people's immigration status without impeding 
investigations. The lawsuit, filed Thursday in U.S. District Court in Tucson, 
alleges the new immigration law violates numerous constitutional rights and 
could hinder police investigations in Hispanic-prevalent areas.

A Latino Clergy group also sued Thursday in federal court in Phoenix.
The National Coalition of Latino Clergy and Christian Leaders will seek an 
injunction preventing authorities from enforcing the law.

The group argues federal law pre-empts state regulation of national
borders, and that Arizona's law violates due process rights by letting
police detain suspected illegal immigrants before they're convicted.


Phoenix police chief opposes new immigration law

(Reuters) - The police chief of Arizona's largest city said on Friday the 
state's controversial new crackdown on illegal immigrants would likely create 
more problems than it solved for local law enforcement.

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