Arizona law awakens the sleeping giant for Democrats

"It will awaken the sleeping giant 
of the Hispanic vote that will be 
politically transforming and powerfully 
helpful to Democrats."

Under the new Arizona immigration law, if the same conduct is done by whites 
and Hispanics, the whites will never be stopped and asked for their papers, and 
the Hispanics very often will be. This law should be thrown out by the courts 
and pre-empted by national legislation. It guarantees abuses that are an 
outrage to our nation. 

It will awaken the sleeping giant of the Hispanic vote that will be politically 
transforming and powerfully helpful to Democrats.

The Hispanic population wave is one of the most politically powerful events in 
American politics today. This demographic wave is enormous and will increase 
the number of congressional seats in key states with Hispanic populations that 
will give an advantage to Democrats.

What right-wing Republicans fail to understand is that the Arizona law is 
insulting to one of the most patriotic and law-abiding segments of the great 
mosaic we call America. 

The very notion that any law would guarantee discriminatory enforcement against 
any segment of our American mosaic is not only repellent to the American idea, 
but a guarantee of an unprecedented political mobilization that will energize 
Hispanic Democratic voters and move Hispanic swing voters into the Democratic 

The Tea Party right is already mobilized, though the media gives their numbers 
far more credit than they deserve. The Hispanic population is the sleeping 
giant of American politics and Hispanic voters will now be roused more than 
ever before. 

The impact of Hispanic voters on the elections of 2010 and 2012 will be 
enormous in number and enormously helpful to Democrats.

In the longer term, the high court of history will reject everything the 
Arizona law stands for, and in the coming elections the sleeping giant will 
have been awakened. 

The Republicans have not only further divided the nation, but have energized a 
huge number of voters who are the fastest-growing constituency in American 
politics. Republicans will long regret the day they did this.

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