Put your dirty mind away...this is Thinking Thursday, after all, and I would not abuse Marek's noble idea by posting about that other thing you're imagining. :-)
This is a post about lifestyle, and about a lifestyle choice I and my extended family have just made. Young Maya is going to start school soon, and we've been wondering how exactly we're going to get her there. I still have my car, but honestly we don't really want to use it all that much, having now become Dutch enough that we prefer bicycles. Still, the school is some kilometers away, and Winter is coming, and with it rainstorms and snowstorms that none of us really relish riding through with a small girl strapped into the child seat of a standard bicycle. Voila. Enter the Big Babboe ("oe" is pronounced "ooo" in Dutch). We found a used one in very good condition for sale, went to see it, and wound up buying it for less than half of what it originally sold for. It's a three-wheeler, which will make it better during those aforementioned snowstorms, and has a rain cover we can put over its passenger compartment to keep Maya dry if it's raining. Inside the plywood compartment are a couple of fold-down seats (with kid-sized seat belts), so she can actually bring a friend or two along with her on rides if she wants. Besides, we can use it while shopping, folding up the seats and using it to carry larger amounts of foodstuffs. Just the thing if we want to buy and bring home, say, an entire side of beef. :-) Fun. We feel very Dutch now. [https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/76220_1015124919\ 0881743_1881480442_n.jpg] https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/76220_10151249190\ 881743_1881480442_n.jpg <https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/76220_1015124919\ 0881743_1881480442_n.jpg>