Barry has made it clear that he thinks anyone who 
didn't find Robin's having struck his students a
Very Bad Thing was a "die-hard cultist," and he
has claimed that Robin's supporters were such
cultists because we had tried to defend Robin's
hitting behavior.

Contrary to Barry's claim, only one person on
FFL, in fact, has done that. Now, who could
that be?

Here's what this Mystery Cultist said to Robin
the morning after Robin posted his Open Letter
in January 2012 (it's from the ninth paragraph
of the post). I asked Barry whether he could
identify the Cultist from the quote:

"There is plenty of compassion here for weird shit we
all did in our past and this doesn't sound like such a
big deal. There were a whole bunch of weird psychological
'breakthrough' cults that seem to be far worse than what
you were running back then. If you weren't banging your
disciples ten deep in Elvis' Graceland white panty
parties, you come off as better than most people in your
position of power over the entranced."

Barry hasn't said who he thinks the Mystery
Cultist is. Either he really has no idea--which
is strange, since he's so obsessed with the folks
on FFL he thinks are cultists--or for some reason
he's reluctant to say who it is.

I suspect it's the latter, myself.

Take a guess. Then check out this link to the post
in question and see whether you agree with me that
Barry would *really* prefer that the Mystery Cultist
remain anonymous:

When I first posted this quote Thursday evening, BTW,
I predicted that we would hear no more fulminating
from Barry about "cultists" doing any "justifying" in
connection with Robin's Open Letter.

I was right.

I'm going to make one more post--a repost of Robin's
Open Letter itself--then I think this particular
kerfuffle will be all wrapped up, and Barry will have
to think of a new one.

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